
Saturday, February 1

Battle for stones river 2014 scenario 1

Battle for Stones River 2014 Scenario One
The Battlefield
Use deployment map: Dawn of War (page 119) and setup any player owned fortifications.  Players cannot move terrain to make room for fortifications.  Prior to deployment of forces, roll for Warlord Traits and Psychic Powers accordingly.
Players roll off.  The winner may choose to deploy 1st or 2nd.  Player deploying 1st deploys their entire force except infiltrators and those units held in reserve.  The player deploying 1st also takes 1st turn unless the opposing player can steal the initiative.  The game length is variable, see page 122 of Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.  
Victory Conditions
This scenario is won by completing the following objectives.  Players earn points for each objective.  These points are called Battle Points.  These are the totals that are placed on player score sheets.

Primary (11 Battle Points) The player with the most scoring units on his opponent’s side of the river at the end of the game wins this objective.  The entire unit must be off the river terrain piece.  A draw earns both players 3 Battle Points each.  
Secondary (6 Battle Points) The player who occupies the bridge at the end of the game with a non-vehicle unit (majority on the bridge) with no enemy units on the bridge earns this objective.
Tertiary (3 Battle Points) Slay the Warlord.  Both players may earn this objective.
Special Rules
Dawn of War (1st Turn) and Reserves.

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