
Saturday, February 2

Battle for Stones River 2013: Scenario Six

Here is the sixth and final possible scenario. Remember, these are still subject to change, and we will post six but only use four. We are looking for feedback, so if something doesn't play right, or you have questions, contact us and let us know!

Battle for Stones River 2013: Scenario Six 

“Let them hide in their fortress. My crew can use the target practice.”

The Battlefield
Use deployment map: Vanguard Strike (page 119) and setup any player owned fortifications. Players cannot move terrain to make room for fortifications. Prior to deployment of forces, roll for Warlord Traits and Psychic Powers accordingly.
Players roll off. The winner may choose to deploy 1st or 2nd. Player deploying 1st deploys their entire force except infiltrators and those units held in reserve. The player deploying 1st also takes 1st turn unless the opposing player can steal the initiative.

Victory Conditions
The battle has come to a decisive point, now is the time to destroy your enemy utterly. This mission is focused on pure destruction with emphasis on key targets. The player with the most Victory points at the end of the game is the winner. The game length is variable, see page 122 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.
Primary Objective
Players earn victory points for destroying enemy units.

  • HQ Units - 3 points
  • Heavy Support Units - 2 points
  • Elite Units - 2 points
  • Troop Units - 1 point
  • Fast Attack Units - 1 point

Secondary Objectives
Players may gain an additional Victory point for completing the following: Slay the Warlord, First Blood and Fortifications (Hold the enemy’s fortification as if it were an objective.)

Special Rules

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