
Saturday, December 29

Battle Force Challenge Update #3: Black Templars FINISHED!!

Well, somehow I managed to never post a single update, work in progress shot, or even an army list for this entire project! After completing my Orks at the end of September, I mentioned that I was going to start working my through all of the Warhammer 40K armies in alphabetical order making 1000 point armies for each of them using the models in their battleforces as a basis. Since then however, I have decided to up that value and go for 1500 point armies. For my Orks that was pretty easy as all I had to do was add in Mad Dok, a battlewagon, and 19 'Ard boyz with a nob. And, given that these guys were already finished it was even easier! I decided to raise the point value for two reasons. One, a 1500 point army allows for a decent size game, and two, at that points level I can start adding allies a little bit easier since I have more options to work with.

The only real issue I had with this army was waiting for the Emperors Champion to arrive. The model is now in finecast and had to be ordered at my FLGS. Even with the figure being redone in finecast, I still do not like it. There is nothing that really stands out on the model, and compared to the rest of the figures in the army he seems really basic and plain. I wish I would have converted my own version of him instead. Speaking of conversions, the Marshal was based off of the older 3rd edition captain with a simple arm swap for the storm shield and a little more difficult arm swap for the plastic Black Templar sword arm. I also decided to try magnetizing my terminators. Somehow I managed to reverse two of the lightning claw arms, but I doubt that I will ever run all lightning claws with these guys! Without any w.i.p. photos, or anything else to show, I guess I'll get straight to the finished army.

1500 Point Black Templar Battle Force Challenge List Finished

Marshal, 125 pts (Melta Bombs, Power Sword, Storm Shield, Holy Orb of Antioch)

Emperor's Champion, 140 pts (Vow = Accept Any Challenge...)

Dreadnought, 143 pts (Twin-Linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Extra Armor, Smoke Launchers)

Crusader Squad, 211 pts (5 Initiates with Bolt Pistol and CCW, 1 Initiate with Plasmagun, 1 Initiate with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 2 Neophyte with Bolt Pistol & CCW, 1 Rhino with Extra Armor & Smoke Launchers)

Crusader Squad, 211 pts (5 Initiates with Bolt Pistol and CCW, 1 Initiate with Plasmagun, 1 Initiate with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 2 Neophyte with Bolt Pistol & CCW, 1 Rhino with Extra Armor & Smoke Launchers)

Crusader Squad, 209 pts (3 Initiates with Bolters, 1 Initiate with Plasmagun, 1 Initiate with Lascannon, 1 Neophyte with Shotgun, 1 Razorback with Twin-Linked Lascannon, Extra Armor & Smoke Launchers)

Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad, 200 pts (2 Terminator with Lightning Claws, 3 Terminator with Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield)

Land Raider, 258 pts (Extra Armor & Smoke Launchers)

Total Roster Cost: 1497

Now that the holidays are over, several of us here on the blog are getting things ready for the 2013 Battle for Stones River. (Order your tickets now!!!!) This is going to keep us pretty busy for the next couple of months. I also have a couple of other projects going on including building up my Super Dungeon Explore sets and a commission job of building up a Chaos Dwarf army. With all of this in mind, I am going to be diverting from original plan slightly. Instead of going in alphabetical order and doing Blood Angels next, I am going to finish 1500 points of my Ultramarines instead. These guys are already built, primed, and the airbrushing is finished. I should be able to get all of the detail work done by the end of three months!

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