
Thursday, December 29

BFSR terraforming underway!

Hey all, I've been hard at work putting together additional terrain for our upcoming Battle for Stones River 2012. We listened to the constructive feedback from last year and are adding in extra line-of-sight blocking terrain to every table for your strategic convenience. We will end up with ruined walls, multi-level hills, and ruined buildings all constructed with balance and consistency in mind, so all table sides will be fair.

Comin' ta getcha!
For those that haven't heard, BFSR is now on the GW Tournament circuit, and we have expanded both our venue and player maximum. 70 players can now attend! Registration begins January 1st, 2012 (that's Sunday folks!) through Grand Adventures. The complete info is:
  • 2/25/12; check-in begins at 8:30am CST
  • 1863 pts, the year of the Civil War Battle of Stones River
  • 4 rounds, 2 hour time limit per game
  • Lane Agri-Park Community Center, Murfreesboro, TN
  • 70 players max
  • $30 entry fee; lunch is included

If you are interested in learning more about the local battle that inspired the tournament, see the following links:

    1 comment:

    1. very excited about BFSR, I hope it doesn't sell out the first day or anything...then again, that just makes it more desirable, :)

      This post has me wanting to make terrain...thanks, :)
